Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday, October 28

Hello all. Today is day 2 of the steroid treatment. Jordyn was a bit restless over the night, and was missing her own bed. Daddy brought in a few of her toys from home, as well as her own pj's. She seems a little more alert today, though it is still difficult to understand her speech.

Jordyn was able to eat breakfast this morning and ordered a bunch of fresh fruit (so far her favorite thing to order!). Around 11am a physical therapist visited the room to get Jordyn up and moving. We took her out in the hallway and over to the playroom in this unit. Jordyn seemed happy to be up, though she is still unable to walk on her own. In the playroom, we sat her down at the table and looked through the games. She really wanted to play Mouse Trap (which she saw and read from across the room), but when we got it out, a lot of the pieces were missing. I told her that I would get her a brand new Mouse Trap game as soon as I could. :) She ended up playing Connect Four with the therapist, and did a good job getting the pieces into the grid. Afterward, we walked back to the room and she took a nap.

The therapist told me that she is assuming that Jordyn will indeed need to go to Methodist for rehabilitation. She will probably need to re-learn how to walk and maybe how to talk. The good thing is that she is alert and very aware of her surroundings.

That is all I know for now, but she is in good spirits and seems to be happy. Please continue to send your good toughts and positive energy her way. She still has a long way to go!

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